2024 Women's Caucus Programming
(Click here for PDF)
Pre-Conference Workshop - Friday, November 22, 10:00AM-12PM (PST)
Wiki Women in Religion: Edit-A-Thon
Workshop - Friday, November 22, 4PM-6PM (PST)
Women's Caucus Workshop Gathering
Session #1 - Saturday, November 23, 9AM-11AM (PST)
Feminist Intersectional Approaches to Transforming Violence: Perspective from Emerging Scholars;
in Collaboration with Women in Religion Unit
Session #2 - Sunday, November 24, 3PM- 4:30 PM (PST)
Religion, Migration, and Gendered Relations;
in Collaboration with Migration Unit
Session #3 - Sunday, November 24, 5PM-6:30PM (PST)
Honoring Judith Plaskow's Induction into the Women's Hall of Fame
(Special AAR Event)
Session #4 - Monday November 25, 9AM-11AM (PST)
New Books on Gender & Religion
(Hosted by Status of Women and Gender Minoritized Persons)
Session #5 -Monday, November 25, 11:15-12:15PM (PST)
The Women's Caucus Brown Bag Lunch
Career Paths in Academia & Beyond in Religious Studies
(Special Thanks to Women and Gender Minoritized Persons)
Session #6 -Monday, November 25, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (PST)
Women's Caucus Business Meeting AAR-SBL
Nov 22,
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Pre-Conference Wiki Women in Religion: Edit-a-Thon
Publicly Engaged Scholarship Addressing Systemic Bias in Online Resources
"This Editathon explores the role of Wikipedia in publicly engaged scholarship and education. It discusses the opportunities for publications in a scholarly, peer reviewed book series for biographies of women in religion. It tackles the difficulties of fostering cross-cultural partnerships with participants from around the world. And it discusses the role of new technologies, including AI, in knowledge production. The Editathon will have hands-on experience using Wikipedia in both hour sessions plus time for Q&A. No experience necessary to attend. All are welcome.
This Editathon is sponsored by the Women in Religion Wiki User Group, launched in 2018 as a joint effort of the Women’s Caucus of the AAR/SBL and the Parliament of the World’s Religions. We seek to create, update, and improve Wikipedia articles pertaining to the lives of cis and transgender women scholars, activists, and practitioners in the world's religious, spiritual, and wisdom traditions and write women back into history, especially those who have made an impact in their faith and religious communities."
Friday Nov 22, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Women's Caucus Workshop Gathering
Come to network and enjoy the camaraderie of the Women's Caucus. Learn about the caucus and join us for a meet and greet to kick off the Conference. We engage the 2024 AAR conference theme, “Violence, Nonviolence and the Margin” from the perspective of those researching on gender and religion. Join in this exciting conversation as we share ideas on how we might advance the public engagement of this topic through our research, in our institutions, and beyond. As part of the program, we would like to give a warm welcome to international scholars and encourage them to attend our gathering.
All Are Welcome!
Deborah Fulthorp, Grand Canyon University; Women’s Caucus Co-Chair
Rosalind Hinton, LAOUTLoud
Telesia Musili, University of Nairobi
Nov 23,
Session #1 Feminist Intersectional Approaches to Transforming Violence: Perspectives from Emerging Scholars
In Collaboration with Women and Religion Unit
This session, sponsored in collaboration with the AAR/SBL Women’s Caucus, highlights the research of emerging scholars exploring the critical intersections of gender, religion, and violence. Engaging with the conference theme “Violence, Nonviolence, and the Margin,” the panelists offer perspectives on how women and women-identifying people confront and resist the multifaceted dimensions of violence justified by religious and societal norms. Through intersectional analyses that incorporate class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality, this session delves into the new ways in which religion, spirituality, and theological reflections empower responses to violence and envision nonviolent praxis. From the postcolonial contemplative practices of Filipinas and the healing altars of La Virgen de Guadalupe among survivors of intimate partner violence, to the incarnational theology as a foundation for non-violence and the reimagined ecclesial hospitality practices informed by feminist trauma theology, this session investigates the role of religion in both perpetuating and challenging structures of violence.
Deborah Fulthorp, Grand Canyon University; Women’s Caucus Chair
Diane Francesca Oliveros, Boston College
A Postcolonial Practice of Contemplation for Filipinas
Natalie Readnour,
Connecting to God After Abuse: Altars of La Virgen de Guadalupe Among Survivors of IPV
Misty Krasawski, Yale Divinity School
The God-Bearing Body as Demand for Non-Violence: Of Vulnerability and Incarnational Theology
Elizabeth Lee, University of Divinity, Melbourne
Trust, Truth, Justice and the Right Relationship to Underpin Ecclesial Practice of Hospitality
Tracy McEwan, University of Newcastle
Nov 24,
Session #2 Religion, Migration, and Gendered Relations
In Collaboration with Migration Unit
This panel session is a collaborative effort between the Religion Migration Unit and the International Women's Caucus. The category of gender is a central factor to any discussion of migration including the causes, characteristics, and consequences of migration. This session explores how gendered cross-border relationships, including different and diverse types of marriage, are shaped by and shape the dynamics of religion and migration. Engaging Jordanian, Korean, and American contexts, the papers draw on a variety of methodological approaches to analyze and assess the significance of gender as an analytical category as well as an activist category in the current geopolitical context.
Ulrike Auga, Humboldt University of Berlin, Presiding
Janice Poss, Claremont Graduate University, Presiding
Hanna Kang, Berkeley School of Theology
Decision to Leave: A Theological Reflection on Orpah and the Cross-border Female Marriage Immigrants in South Korea
Luis De Prada,
La Fuerza de Voluntad Among Hispanic/Latine Catholic Married Couples: A Hopeful and Imaginative Discernment Towards a Spirituality of Migration
Yafa Shanneik, Lund University
The Ambiguity of Justice: Imam Marriages, Gender Security and Human Rights among Syrian Refugees in Jordan
Mary E. Hunt, Women's Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual
Nov 24,
6:30 pm
Session #3- Honoring Judith Plaskow’s induction into the Women’s Hall of Fame
This panel will reflect on Plaskow’s intellectual contributions to religious feminism in the academy and her commitment and service to the AAR. The focus will be on how her work has both influenced generations of religious feminist scholars and been critical to bridging differences of religion, race, sexuality, gender, ability, and gender identity in our field.
Jin Y Park, American University, Washington, D.C., Presiding
Emilie M. Townes, Vanderbilt University
Max Strassfeld, University of Southern California
Natalia M. Imperatori-Lee, Manhattan College
Michal Raucher, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
Julia Watts Belser, Georgetown University
Judith Plaskow, Manhattan College
Nov. 25,
9:00 am- 11:00 am
Nov 25, 11:15am-
Monday Nov 25,
5:00 pm-6:30pm
Session #4 New Books on Gender and Religion
Hosted by Status of Women and Gender Minoritized Persons in the Professions Committee
This session presents scholars who have published books in the discipline of women’s studies, gender, theology, and religion in 2023-2024. This panel’s authors will provide an overview of their books and share their perspectives on current research being published on women and gender studies. The authors will also discuss how they visualize their books in constructing knowledge and influencing the public sphere. In addition, these scholars will share their experiences regarding strategies and mechanics for publishing women’s studies in theology and religion books and offer advice for those seeking publication of related book manuscripts.
Presiding/Women's Caucus Co-Chair Welcom
Deborah Fulthorp, Grand Canyon University
Undoing Conquest: Ancient Israel, the Bible, and the Future of Christianity
Kate Common,
Hidden Histories: Faith and Black Lesbian Leadership
Monique Moultrie, Georgia State University
A Transpacific Imagination of Theology, Ethics, and Spiritual Activism: Doing Feminist Ethics Transnationally
K. Christine Pae, Denison University
Women Advancing Knowledge Equity: The Parliament of the World's Religions
Colleen D. Hartung, Wikipedia Project, Women in Religion
Sheryl Johnson
Feminist Theology and Social Justice in Islam: A Study on the Sermon of Fatima
Mahjabeen Dhala, Graduate Theological Union
Religion and Intersex: Perspectives from Science, Law, Culture, and Theology
Stephanie A. Budwey, Vanderbilt University Divinity School
Kimberly Carter, California Institute of Integral Studies
Session #5 The Women's Caucus Brown Bag Luncheon: Career Path Using a Master or Doctorate in Religious Studies
Sponsored by Status of Women and Gender Minoritized Persons Committee
All are welcome to explore the professional development of career and life paths in various religious fields of scholarship. Panelists will address challenges and successes within their own career paths. Experiences and tools will be shared how they have used their degrees for sustained financial growth and cultural influence even if not on the tenure path. Panelists represent traditional rank and tenure, careers in academic related fields such as archivists and independent scholarship, artificial intelligence in scholarship, and consulting in the non-profit and for-profit world. There will be allotted time for questions and discussion.
Women's Caucus Co-Chair Welcome
Deborah Fulthorp, Grand Canyon University, Presiding
Deborah Fulthorp, Grand Canyon University
Rosalind F. Hinton, LAOUTLOUD
Jonathon Eder, Mary Baker Eddy Library
Connie Steel, Yale University
Kimberly Carter, California Institute of Integral Studies
Debbie Fulthorp, Grand Canyon University
Session #6 Women's Caucus Business Meeting
All are welcome to join the Women's Caucus Leadership team. Come and learn about our many
projects and plans for 2024.
Debbie Fulthorp, Grand Canyon University
Elizabeth Ursic, Mesa Community College
Kimberly Carter, California Institute of Integral Studies
Ulrike Auga, Humboldt University, Berlin
Cristina Lledo Gomez, BBI Australian Institute for Theological Education
Rosalind F. Hinton, LAOUTLOUD
Colleen D. Hartung, 1000 Women in Religion Wikipedia Project
Tracy McEwan, University of Newcastle, Australia
Theresa A. Yugar, California State University, Los Angeles
Mahjabeen Dhala, Graduate Theological Union
Jonathon Eder, Mary Baker Eddy Library
Julia Berger, Montclair State University
Emily Silverman, Graduate Theological Union
Colette Qualtieri, Arizona State University
Winifred Whelan, Saint Bonaventure University