Dr. Elaine Nogueira-Godsey is an Assistant Professor of Theology, Ecology and Race at the Methodist Theological School in Ohio. Her work focuses on the development of decolonial methods of research and teaching in relation to the relationship between ecology, gender, race and religion, with a focus on Third-World contexts.
Her most recently published works, “Towards a Decological Pedagogy” as well as “Tangible Actions Toward Solidarity: An Ecofeminist Analysis of Women's Participation in Food Justice.” Dr. Nogueira-Godsey is the treasurer of the International Society for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (ISSRNC), and an assistant editor for the Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (JSRNC).
In South Africa, she worked closely with Angolan and Mozambican refugees in the townships of Cape Town. At the University of Cape Town (UCT) she taught on “Religion, Ecology and Spirituality” as well as “Feminist Theologies.” Dr Nogueira-Godsey also served as managing editor of the Journal for the Study of Religion and as research coordinator for the Institute for the Comparative Study of Religion in Southern Africa (ICRSA), headed by Professor David Chidester. Living and working in a multicultural and interreligious context has helped shape her research interest in advancing an ecofeminist critique that is postcolonial in scope.